Spies that are monitored and killed by Internet Spy Hunter

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  1. Spywares
    Software that sends out information without your permission is called "Spyware". Internet Spy Hunter invents a new approach to stop spywares. It moniters all the software running in your computer and alerts you when they send out information. Then you can manage and control who can send out. So you don't need to maintain a long list of spywares and you will never miss a new spyware.

  2. Data Spills
    A Data Spill is an unintentional disclosure of sensitive personal information to third parties. For example, a data spill can be where information that is typed into a form at a Web site is accidentally sent off to an Internet ad company.

  3. Web Bugs
    A Web Bug is an invisible image on a Web page that sends back the cookie of a third parties to their servers. The main purpose of a Web Bug is to track what pages users are going to the Internet. Given that images are invisible on the page, the average user has no way of knowing that they are being tracked in this manner.

  4. Cookies
    A cookie is a small data file - usually containing a unique identification number - that your Web browser stores on your hard drive when a site sends it a certain command. Every time you request a page or item from the site, the server connects that request to your unique identification number, giving the company an exact record of what you viewed on its site.
    Cookies aren't necessarily malicious, but they do let sites or advertisers make a click-by-click record of your surfing habits. Internet Spy Hunter only blocks malicious cookies, not all the cookies.

  5. Referers
    Do you know this? When you search on xyz???, the referer field leaks your query information to the banner ad company abc???.
    Banner ad URL: http://www.abc???.com/result_front;ord=203730346
    Referring URL: http://www.xyz???.com/cgi-bin/query?q=sports+cars
    Internet Spy Hunter removes the referer spies, but not all the referers.

  6. Advertisements

  7. Animations

  8. Scripts

  9. Style Sheets

  10. Others. You suggest.

Register a license for $19.95. You will receive a register program to unlock it.