Auto Highlight

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Intelligently Highlight Search/Content Keywords


  1. Why does not Auto Highlight run when I start IE 5.00?
  2. How do I know Auto Highlight is active or not?
  3. I am unable to open the autohighlight.msi file. What MS utility should I use to open the MSI extension?
  4. How can I contact you for further questions?

1. Why does not Auto Highlight run when I start IE 5.00?

The Internet Explorer 5.00 has a bug which may prevent Auto Highlight from automatically running when IE starts. Microsoft corrected this bug in version 5.01. The latest version of IE is always available at Microsoft's website.

2. How do I know Auto Highlight is active or not?

If you see Auto Highlight icon  in the browser's toolbar, Auto Highlight is active, that says, it intelligently highlights search/content keywords.

3. I am unable to open the autohighlight.msi file. What MS utility should I use to open the MSI extension?

The MSI extension is opened by msiexec.exe, the standard installer on Windows 98, ME, 2000 and NT. If  there is no one on you machine, you need to download and install first from Microsoft, for Windows 9x or ME, click here; for Windows 2000 or NT, click here.

4. How can I contact you for further questions?

If you have any questions or need any help, please send us email.


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